In 12 hours, I will be flying out to Carrefour (Car-foo), Haiti.

Church2Church (the program that I am working with at Adventures in Missions) seeks to partner American churches with International churches to bridge the gap and bring unity amongst the beloved and to experience the heart of the Father together, in agreement, and setting the captives free (us included) and becoming the walking, talking, LIVING, Gospel. Church2Church is about converging as empowered sons and daughters of God and creating new, life-breathing, relationships that birth the Kingdom of God all over the world.
Over the next week (20-27), I will be leading my first church (from Iowa) team to Carrefour (pictured in red below) and we will join in with what the Lord is doing in one of their churches (with Pastor Phellipe) – being, seeing and experiencing the tangible love of God. We will learn from them, they will learn from us, we'll share testimonies, encourage one another, build new and sustainable personal relationships, we'll join the movement of God rushing through Haiti and best of all – we will BUILD, EXPERIENCE & RELEASE the Kingdom of God all over, even as we receive it.
Also, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my blog on the left side of my blog (
Karen and I have become fans of yours in a short time. You bring a lot of initiative and enthusiasm to everything you do. We’re excited about your ministry and about the way God’s going to use you.
Good luck Colby, so excited for you! Be safe and I’ll be looking forward to your updates!
Gardner! This is great!! I am de-lighted you’ve been able to get back there and looking forward to reading and hearing all about it when you get back.
keep up the great work my brother!! I pray that God will continue to bless your ministry…MP