God speaks to me in spurts at times because I don't have what it takes to process it all at once.
What you are about to read is a continuation of yesterday's blog, "Set free or Satisfied?"
Last night, I finished a new movie, Father of Lights, and was processing on my couch when the Lord spoke. He expounded on what he already shared with me, "Colby, I just want you to be satisfied."
My God put it in 'Colby terms' for me and it resonates on my heart still.
Remember in Matthew 7 where the Pharisees asked Jesus, "But did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not cast out demons in your name? Jesus, did we not do many miraculous works in your name?" Jesus replies to them, "Yeah, but I never knew you." Ouch!
It was my turn.
"Colby, you have laid your hands on a number of people and seen them healed. You have spoken words of prophesy and numerous people experienced My heart. You have even cast out a demon or two in Africa, but all of those things don't mean a thing to me if you don't know My love. They don't mean jack if you're not satisfied in Me."
Reality check!
As we experience the heart of God and His desire and love for healing, prophesy and all the rest of the God-given giftings, it's easy to get wrapped up in the thrill of it, is it not? We can sit around and make it a spectacle saying, "Everybody prophesy over one another" or "Let's all lay hands on so-and-so" and stand with good intentions but still miss it.
Coming off the World Race, many young people find themselves a bit more on the 'radical' side of Christianity. There's nothing wrong with it. It's actually fine and dandy because they usually know more of who they are and the power that has been given to them via the Holy Spirit and 'radical' is their expression of it. Keep on keepin' on.
However, be careful.
We can dance a wild dance, pray healing all day long, pray in tongues until the sun comes up, cast out demons left and right, and even raise a few people from the dead but if we don't know His love, if we aren't satisfied in Him, these things hold no weight in the Kingdom of God.
Where do you stand?
As for me, I'm on my knees.