Sometimes we honor people when they're dead.
But why do we have to wait?
Last May, a friend of mine, a Marine, was killed in action.
Our little Texas town came together like we'd never seen.
Nice things were said, his story was held high, and he was honored well.
I saw people come from afar to help, give, and love his family. It was unreal. He was honored well.
There was pain, but rejoicing. There were tears, but laughter. There was sorrow, but great joy.
There was unity among our people.
He was honored well.
As I sat back in remembrance of my friend, I began to sob uncontrollably.
I thought to myself, "Why do we have to wait until someone is dead to honor them so much?"
This made me sick at my stomach.
This is not okay.
Something has to change.
But what?
We can put up signs, say nice things, and do what is deemed 'necessary' at the right time, but do those things truly come from the heart? Are they a way of life?
Questions arise.
Is it just because it's too late?
Is it because we've never taken the chance to honor them in such a way before?
What could it be?
God said about the Israelites, "They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me."
I don't know about you, but I don't want to give lip service to anyone.
A few months ago, I traveled to Atlanta and sat down with a friend.
The topic of love came up – of course.
We talked about our interactions with people, different perspectives, and varying approaches.
At one point, he looked at me and said, "Why wait? Why wait to love them? Why does it take something special for people to realize that they can love someone? Love is not just a feeling – it does."
This stirred me up and left me pondering my friend's funeral only to come to great conclusions.
Truth is, we don't have to wait.
Honor and love go hand in hand.
Love isn't just a romantic thing – it's a way of life.
Buy her flowers.
Leave kind notes.
Make phone calls to let someone know you're thinking of them.
Surprise someone.
Cook someone dinner.
Stray from the ordinary.
Get crafty.
Be creative.
Do something anonymous.
Today is your chance – honor them now.
Love has no strings attached.
Love knows no bounds.
Love upholds.
Love conquers fear.
Love heals wounds.
Love is unwavering.
Love gives freely.
Love unites.
Love rejoices.
Love is for all.
Love is creative.
Love is kind.
Love honors.
Love changes lives.
We can't afford to wait; love them now…