They hold reverence and utmost honor, yet are filled with joy.
The question, "what do you enjoy?" surfaces in my heart a lot these days. Sometimes I ask it to others; sometimes, myself.
I enjoy a nice mountain bike ride.
I enjoy an evening alone.
I enjoy breaking a sweat.
I enjoy eating healthy.
I enjoy swaying in the porch swing.
I enjoy the company of a godly woman.
I enjoy nice chats with mom.
I enjoy looking into the eyes of dad.
I enjoy riding the tractor with Pawpaw.
I enjoy the laughter of children.
I enjoy getting my hands dirty.
Making things.
Being creative.
Radical sports.
Doing crazy things.
Playing my guitar.
Taking risks.
Driving my truck.
A challenge.
A good tune.
Working out.
People watching.
Seeing and pulling out the gold in people.
Meeting strangers.
Deep conversation.
Passing conversation.
Hearing and heeding the voice of God.
The adventure of opening Scripture daily.
Listening to people.
The overwhelming sense of being loved.
You see, when we enjoy things, we do them more.
God created us first to enjoy us for Himself, second to enjoy one another.
Jesus said it himself, "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:30)
Operating in your gifts is not meant to be burdensome. Being with your family is not meant for peril. Loving people is not meant from obligation. These are meant from and for the pure joy of the Father.
When we enjoy our gifts, we operate in them more. When we enjoy our family, even in the pain, we love them better. When we see people as loved – made for the enjoyment of God, we love them more.
Enjoy the pain. Enjoy the valleys. Enjoy the mountaintops. Enjoy the unknown. Enjoy the fact that you have a Father who loves you.
God delights in a husband going on a walk with his wife. God delights in you enjoying a good cooked meal. He delights in His children enjoying what He created for them. He delights in you…
When we simply enjoy life, we want more…
Life is so much less spiritual (in our striving) than we think, yet so much more at the same time.
The fruit of God is in this: we simply exist for the enjoyment of the Father. Everything else flows from that place.
After all, your life is not your own anyhow.
So I ask you, what do you enjoy?