Missions to Indigenous Peoples

1. Missionaries that go to minister in a region where there is already an established Biblical church, go and be a support to what God has already established. Those mission teams that have come in and said "pastor, how can we serve the church in it's mission?" are a blessing to weary pastors, and pleasing to our Father in Heaven.
2. Those missionaries that understand that Jesus is not an American. Missionaries who go with a Kingdom agenda, to see the kingdom of God and Christ formed in the hearts and lives of an indigenous people and not an attempt to make the indigenous people look like the missionaries and their western culture. In Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, free nor slave, male nor female, American or Cherokee, but Christ is all and is in all, and that is all that matters.
3. Those missionaries that understand that while an indigenous people may have never heard the name of Jesus, they may possess a level of understanding of the truth that God has written on their hearts. See Romans chapter 1! Rather than rejecting everything about their culture because it doesn't look like yours, instead, redeem what is true and instruct in the way of truth in those areas that are not in accordance with Kingdom living.
Rather than list them all separately, suffice to say, the opposite of everything above. History has shown the opposite of the above to be standard operating procedure for many well meaning and not so well meaning missionaries. We have seen the fulfillment of such scriptures as when Jesus rebuked the Pharisees and told them that they would "travel half the world to make one convert, and when you do you make him twice the son of Hell that you are!" So the question of the heart that each must answer before the Lord is this: "has GOD called me to the work that I am engaged in, or am I doing my own will (choosing a profession for yourself and hanging God's name plate on it)?" If the answer be yes, He has called me, then walk in humble submission to the word and to the Spirit as you go. Fear GOD, honor the King and in all things to Christ Jesus be the glory!
Also keep in mind that GOD is revealing himself to people through the creation (Romans 1:20 as stated earlier). Some see the truth in the creation and obey what GOD has written on their Hearts (Romans 2:14) while others reject it and violate their own conscience. Keep in mind that we will all give an account for the truth that has been revealed to us, and what we did in response to that truth.
The picture of God's sovereign grace concerning indigenous people can be found in Romans 9:25-26 & Romans 10:20. Our Father is always on mission, he invites us to be on mission with him!
Pastor Rich Sneed
Christ Fellowship Church
Cherokee, NC