So, I met this girl.
It was Sunday morning and I was waiting to go through security at the Dallas airport when I heard this sweet voice say, "Are you a climber or something?" as she looked at my carabiner covered backpack. I explained that I'm not a climber, and that I have this rugged backpack because I travel a lot as a full-time missionary.
She was interested.
I told her about what I do, named off a list of places, and shared that I work for Adventures in Missions. I then said, "If you have ever heard of our organization, it's probably because of our biggest program, the World Race." She freaked out and began to tell me that she had been praying about going on the World Race!
This opened up a whole new can of worms.
We sat next to each other on the plane and talked about the World Race for quite some time – two hours to be exact.
She was wide-eyed and mystified after hearing stories, testimonies, and tearing up with me over what God has been doing in my life. Intrigued by this red-headed stranger, I then decided to ask about her life; I just had to know.
She is one of seven children, a Texan, a college gymnastist, and a child & family development major at the University of Georgia.
Shortly after exploring her life, I learned about an assignment that she was given in one of her classes – it was wild. She has to go into a highly uncomfortable setting, observe, and write a five page paper on it.
I could see it in her eyes – she wanted nothing to do with it.
She seemed stirred up about this idea as she explained her only options – gay bars, lesbian clubs, or drag queen strips.
She refused to simply go and observe – it just didn't feel right.
Immediately, I had a flashback to my teen years. You see, I lost a number of friends due to alcohol (getting hit by drunk drivers, drinking and driving themselves, or alcohol was simply an influence in one way or another). It didn't take long before I was 'done' with any idea of alcohol and any scene that had alcohol as an influence. I wanted nothing to do with it, nor the people partaking in such activities.
How ironic is it that when I got to college, I was asked to help lead my church's bar ministry? You know what my initial response was? "There's no way that I'm stepping foot anywhere near that place! Plus, you wouldn't ever find Jesus there, nor could I ever minister to those people."
Not long after I felt the Lord give me the "go" on taking part in this ministry, I stepped into that role and I found that my excuses were dead wrong. I found out that God has a heart for people inside these places too, and that He had given me a heart for them as well. I could minister to them! You see, Jesus wants to flood these places with His love too!
After telling my new friend this, I looked into her bright brown eyes and said, "I encourage you to go; you just might be surprised when you do."
On second thought, "You know what? I'll go with you!"