There were instances where I messed up, times where things just didn't handle as expected and others that I simply felt out of place. It wasn't just one thing, it was a bummer of a week on numerous accounts.
I need grace. I need comfort. I need abounding joy to befall me.
Often, I approach the Lord in pursuit of forgiveness and redemption – to stand as a forgiven son.
This time was different.
As I came to the Father, I knew I was forgiven. I knew I was redeemed. That's a no-brainer at this point but as I fell at the feet of Jesus, He reminded me, "you are forgiven and redemption is yours because you are mine…."
Do you ever find yourself standing only on the fact that you have been set free? You might even seek forgiveness day in and day out, like it has never been given. You might even just 'exist'. You might know that you are redeemed and walk in that alone, as it is enough.
Is there more to it?
When you go home to see your family, they usually sit you down and fix you a big, home cooked meal. They want you to be filled and eat well, they want you to be satisfied in being home. I can imagine my mother right now smiling with content thinking, "My boy has been filled and filled well." It is mom's joy to fill my stomach with a hearty meal and even more of a delight to receive it. There's nothing like such a staisfying meal, nothing like the ahhh… feeling after you have been filled and it's "just right".
Psalm 23 says that God spreads a table before His children. He wants us to eat up, dine for satisfaction and keep coming back in the midst of our heartbroken mess.
"Colby, I want you to be satisfied." He told me.
God doesn't want us to stand on the one fact that we have been forgiven and redeemed, which we often do. There's more. He wants us to be satisfied.
I ask you, when's the last time you sought satisfaction in our ever-loving, abundant, good, kind, and caring God that is "just right"? Are you standing on forgiveness alone and letting that be "enough" or are you seeking satisfaction in a Father who freely gives?
Dine at the table of His presence. Feed on his goodness. Chew on His righteousness. Feast on His character, for He wants you to be satisfied.
Solid, bro. Thanks for this. It really does bring such a reminder that when we approach His throne of grace, it has already been extended to us. All we gotta do is embrace it. Love you, man. You know where I’m at if you need me.
so good, colby. so good.