I was "muy consado" (very tired) because I worked out extremely hard that morning. I felt wobbly during breakfast and I soon gathered my legs but to be honest, I wasn't too excited about a full day of ministry.
Not long after we arrived to our ministry site, we realized that plans had changed and a few of us were returning to retrieve goods from our ministry compound, El Puente (The Bridge). Again, not totally excited but wholeheartedly "in".
Upon re-arrival, we played games, sang songs, shared stories, and colored pictures. I was slowly coming to life.
Once the noise began to fade, relationships mold and the crowds disperse, I saw Kenny, one of the El Puente interns, playing with a young boy at a distance. Kenny, now 20 years old, was 8 again. His playful spirit began to surface as he interacted with this insanely energetic Nicaraguan boy.
As I was speaking with others, I heard in Spanish, as the boy passed and screamed enthusiastically in his best superhero voice to Kenny, "YOU HAVE THE SPIRIT OF POWERRRRR!!!!!"
Like a dog at dinner time, my ears perked and alive I came!
You know those key things that wake you up? This was it, all I needed.
It was once said that "enthusiasm breeds greatness."
Those words immediately drew me to the loving character of our God. I can see Him with burning enthusiasm and utmost passion reminding us, "YOU HAVE THE SPIRIT OF POWERRRRR!!!!! Not fear, not disappointment, not shame, I have given you POWER! LIVE IN MY POWERRRRR!!!!!"
Let the awakening begin as you ingest the enthusiasm of the Father for you, for you to walk in His power and provision, excitingly experiencing a new adventure with His heart – daily.