Has the thought ever crossed your mind that today’s youngest generations are riddled with entitlement? They expect to get everything handed to them simply because, “I deserve it” or “mom and dad love me.” Is this not a twisted mindset where all honor is discounted to a filthy nothing?
I have recently realized that I have become that generation in the spiritual realm.
A few weeks ago I found myself in the place of saying, “ah, God will take care of it” without giving him an ounce of my own breath. I sadly discovered that I had been in that place for quite sometime, with mine and God’s connection crippling to a slow death.
There I was late one night, lying in my bed, pondering the state of my future with my wife when it all of a sudden came crashing down – “Colby, I want the details of your heart because I want relationship. Tell me what it is you want. Ask me. I want the honor of hearing your voice.”
I suddenly threw my heart in the air, bravened up, and broke the silence. “You know that we need a place to live and we’re running out of time. Could you give us a a little old house that’s on a piece of land with room to roam? It would be nice if it’s out of town, near our work, a place where neighbors aren’t too close, and under our fixed budget – a place exactly like Sarah would love.” The conversation went on before I fell asleep in tears, completely poured out.
The next morning Sarah got a text from her roommates saying, “We’ve found someone to take over your lease on August 31!” The previous months were silent, and all of a sudden it became real, there was now a definitive timeline to find a new place to call home. The pressure was on, yet my heart lie at rest.
Later that night I received a text from a friend, “Have y’all found a place to live yet?” When I told her “no” I immediately received a call – “I’m pretty sure I found your new home and y’all are gonna love it! It’s an old 1920s farm house on 40 acres. It has a nice fence, great landlords, you’ll have plenty space, and it only costs ‘this much’ per month! I can help y’all get it if you want.”
There we were, less than 24 hours later and God had answered our prayers! (After it all unfolded Sarah said, “It’s about time you joined me in those prayers!” There’s power in agreement, yeah?)
Two days later we went to take a look and it was more than perfect! I saw my chosen Sarah’s heart leaping like that little girl I know, “It’s my dream home! Ahhhhh, it’s like I’ve always imagined! I love it, I love it so so much!” (Nothing could make me happier.) In that visit we learned that we can garden there, the house had been renovated, the price was indeed under our budget, and the neighbors were hollers away!
It didn’t take long for it to hit home – approaching life with “ah, God will take care of it (because He loves me)” dismantles any and all connection with a God that wants me. He wants the details of my heart–to hear my voice–so He can have that highly coveted relationship we all talk about.
When I removed all honor and connection with a heavy case of spiritual entitlement, God did what it took to restore our connection with a graceful breath of fresh air.
Don’t be fooled, connection with you is what God prizes most – not the belief that He will simply take care of you.