Have you ever been humbled? What did that look like for you? For me, it usually comes in the appearance of something that I feel unworthy of and/or surprised by.
We live in a day and time that we often, especially as young people, feel entitled. Throughout generations, this has slipped in, and the culprit – pride.

One bright and early morning as I walked up the dusty hill in the Dominican Republic, we were joyfully greeted by a family who had been sitting under their tree. As I looked around, I noticed a few things – they had about 8 half-empty stalks of corn on the hill, their outdoor kitchen was toppling, their house was tiny, and they took care of their 27 year old son who had been struck with severe mental and physical illness.
I know what you're thinking, "Wow, that is humbling!"
To be honest, I was a fresh, "super missionary" who came to save the world, and my heart was broken but I wasn't stopped in my tracks until this – they gave us their last three ears of corn. Not only that, but they wanted to give it and served us as if we were their own, with full hearts.
Talk about humbling… I had no pride left!
The past few days, I have had the privilege of sharing the basement with a missionary family that has given up their "entitlements" to answer the call of living the Gospel among the natives in Arad, Romania. As I sat for hours and visited with them last night, there was one thing, above all, that was ever before me – their eyes are seeking, their ears are listening and their hearts are full. They are alive – fully alive!
This morning, after I got home from working out, they were preparing to leave and they, support raising themselves, going through the same struggles as I, exhibited true brotherhood and blessed me with not only their encouragement but more – their last ears of corn (figuratively speaking). With full hearts and eyes of the Lord, they stole my pride and I, once again, humbly faced the Lord with a full heart of joy and thankfulness.
In living, we must know that we are not our own and a life fully lived is in this – giving it up, giving it away and joyfully inviting others into our brotherhood of blessings and "entitlements" – to discover a journey that is full, freeing and abundantly alive.
It seems to me that I know a guy like this. His name is Jesus.
This message holds a most vital gospel lesson. They truly gave their “such as I have”! Like the little widow who took the last of her meal and oil and prepared a cake for Elijah. And the little widow who gave her two coins. Like Peter who had no silver or gold but he gave the lame man his “such as I have”! To give your “such as I have” out of love for God is truly giving in the name of the Lord! In these cases true miraculous power of God resulted. Your “such as I have” is the anointing of God to accomplish that which He has ordained! Amen!
I had a similar experience in Russia. We were there to fascillate a MasterLife study for the churches in the area. We stayed in the home of one of the church members. They had 3 children and lived on a meager income. We found out later that the man of the house lost his job because he wanted to attend the study and his boss would not give him the time off to do it. They fed us every day. The last day we gave them each a small gift. The little 5 year old boy accepted his little truck and then ran off to his room. In just a few minutes he returned with his hands behind his back. He pulled one hand out and it had a sample size tube of Sensodyne toothpaste. I’m sure that someone had given it to him before and he considered it a treasure. He pulled the other hand out and opened it to reveal a few coins. They were probably only worth less than a dollar in American money, but it was probably some that he had been saving to buy something special. Talk about humbled, I really didn’t want to take his money from him, but it was given out of a heart of love and so I accepted it lovingly and thankfully. I still have both gifts and I consider them to be among the most valuable gifts I have ever received. I still can see that beautiful smile on his face as he gave his prized treasures out of a heart of love.
Until taking an adventure like you are experiencing, we do not fully realize how truly blessed we are. I pray that you are settling in and are “experiencing” God like no one can unless they are sold out for Him. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I’ve still got so much to learn about living the gospel. What incredible giving hearts that family has.
Thanks for sharing, Colby.