I thought for a second, asked the Lord, waited for an answer, and then responded. The following is what was revealed to me: Of course there will be compromise but the true test is whether you own each other's Kingdom dreams or not. No matter if it's marriage, war, or business, (in fact, it may look like all of those at times) we must compromise at some point and we must work together. Our dreams might not be as similar as we would like to think in "dream world", yet then again they might match up perfectly. God usually aligns people with similar passions, however accomplishing these dreams means we will have to work together with the other being of our best interest. If we are the dream of the Father coming true and we belong to one other, then isn't that what it's about, reaching each other's dreams together? If we're not focusing on Kingdom dreams as being "my Kingdom dream", then being of devoted and passionate service to each other elevates and builds us up in a way that is unmatched to our own processes.
What if it really isn't your dream?
Whether you're husband and wife, brothers and sisters in Christ, or simply any person working towards accomplishing your dreams or goals, know that we belong to each other. We must grasp that these dreams are not our own, and that by seeking to fulfill others', we are, in-turn, fulfilling our own. This is what Kingdom is about.
One of my favorite TV series is Band of Brothers & The Pacific. They are about the personal stories in the midst of the world sized battles of WWII. These boys knew there would be casualties but they also knew that with all of their passion, heart, training, strategy, positioning, and teamwork, the war would be won. If you stand alone you may last a short while, but if you work together, you not only live – you conquer.
Take a minute to evaluate your processes and gauge where you stand.
The Kingdom is at hand and we don't need another standing alone. Join in and work towards another's dream starting today. Fulfill yours by fulfilling others'. This is how it works.
"The more you serve others, the more impact you make. The most influential folks in history – those with statues and streets bearing their names – are those who used their gifts and passions to serve mankind. If you want to have long, lasting, real success, find a way to use your aptitudes to serve others. Help someone reach their potential; in helping them reach theirs, you’ll reach your own." –Josh Cox, American 50K Record Holder