I was listening.
Expecting a profound revelation, He said to me in a calm and gentle voice, "I just want you to know that I love you."
It was over. I was messed up!
My morning turned into erratic worship sessions as I re-experienced His breath of love in a completely renewing and fresh way, as if I were a child who realized he was loved for the first time – completely won over.
After arriving at the breakfast table, the Lord messed me up again as He is doing in this moment, and I returned for more.
Once I finally sat down to eat, this brought a whole new meaning to being filled as I put the fork to my mouth.
The breath of the Lord comes forth birthing new creations by His love over His son, and I am made new as I am being filled.
He loves us!
"Perfect love is filling us. Fear is leaving. Fear is fleeing. Perfect love is singing over me, 'I'm your beloved!'"
I really appreciated this one. Especially the end bit
Kara, thank you! =)